Since we only had BBC class on Tuesday, Madeline and I decided to have a little trip nearby. Madeline had searched online and found the bicycle path on Xing Da road has trees on both sides, which gave riders a good view. On Tuesday, we went on our journey after the BBC class. We rode through the Dong-Feng park, which was a bigger park than I expected. There were some fitness equipment and a wide grass field. We both agreed that if someday we need to hold an outdoor activity, we can use the field. After passing through the park, we kept on cycling. It was a path in the middle of the road that looked like a huge safety island. It only allowed cyclist and pedestrians, so it was quite safe. We only needed to be aware of cars and scooters while we were passing through intersections. We were riding slowly. When we encountered some interesting sculptures, we stopped to take photos. I helped Madeline to take some very nice ones, and she uploaded them to her IG.
Our final destination was at Le-cheng temple, which was a well-known, and sacred temple for Taichung people. We parked our bikes and went inside to look around. It was truly a famous one, and it wasn't as big as Long-Sheng Temple, but there were still lots of visitors on Tuesday morning. On our way back, we went to a cafe that sold brown sugar bubble waffles. It was really tasty, the bubbles and the waffles had a great mix together. In fact, their cream was also good. I wasn't a person who likes to eat cream, but the cream they served wasn't oily. We both felt relaxed after this trip.